Merry Christmas!
I hope you all enjoyed the Blog Train! I know we had some people drop out due to sickness, computer problems etc, but that was still one GIANT kit!! Whew, I'm still going through it all. I'll leave my link up for awhile yet so feel free to go down and grab it if you haven't yet And I want to say THANK YOU to everyone who took part in teh train this month. Whether you created a mini kit or just shared the love when you downloaded, thanks for making this digi community such a joy to be a part of! I've been so busy lately! School ended last night (as in 2 hours ago) for Winter Break. So Emma and I, no hubby, will be headed out west to visit my folks, family & friends. Yay!- cross country trip with a 5 y/o and lots of packing. Can I get a "Yipee!!"? But seriously, I miss everyone and this trip is shaping up to be a ton of fun! Lots of fun scheduled ahead. Lets see, a few photos to catch up are in order I think. I've been photo crazy this month, just had no time to scrap- maybe over break. LOL! First is Emma and I at church for the Advent Festival! What a fun way to start the count down to Christ's Birthday! ![]() Next is yard decor- lovely I know. ![]() Here is Emma all ready to go up on stage to sing at her school Christmas Concert. ![]() ![]() Modeling the Roudolph hat mama made. ![]() Here's the Snowman hat we made, she likes it better. (Notice the opussum, macaw and Stitch on the window? Classy, I know.) At church this Advent we've been exploring the Advent Conspiracy. And I've got to tell you, each week I get more excited about trying to take part. I'm going to start small this year as we're starting late, but hubby and I hope that by next Christmas we'll be living the dream. Worship Fully, Spend Less, Give More & Love All. If you take the time to just explore their site you can hear the click in your mind that it all makes wonderful sense. then start reading the blog, watching the videos and podcasts, ultimately ordering the book and/or DVD to fully emerge yourself in this conspiracy. If you love the Lord, you need to take 5 minutes to stop by their site and if nothing else watch the promo video and see if it doesn't grab your attention in a profound way. Visit [AC]: Okay, and since I'll be MIA for awhile off having holiday fun across the country I decided to just give you all your Christmas Goodie now. It's been a Roudolph themed year around here so I made up a little bundle of goodies for you. A small CU Rudolph head, a felt Roudolph embellishment, a 4x6 Jumpstart Bragbook/Card (You choose how you use it.) & a set of 6 Gift tags all ready to print on your computer. Hope you all enjoy!! Hope you all have a very Merry Christmas! Also have a Safe & Happy New Year! Happy Scraping! |
Comments on "Merry Christmas!"
Here's a big Yipie!!
We are looking forward to seeing you and miss Emma. :>)
Lots of Love. Daddoo
I enjoyed the photos, Amy. Emma has pretty blue eyes. Happy holidays. :)
I hope you've had a wonderful Christmas time. Thank you very much for the templates. Love the Rudolph.
Oh Ammmmmeeeeeyyyyyyyyyy Amers Amers where are yewwww?
I bet you're just durn busy and spending time with your lovely little family and all sorts of good stuff. I miss yer, GF!
Hugs from moi,