Whew, what a hectic week. But VBS is now officially over. Don't get me wrong I had a blast but it was draining. But the kids loved it and learned a lot, which is the point. We did the Crocodile Dock VBS program and it was a challenge to decorate but we figured it all out in the end. I think I made 20 fake cat tails and about 30 yards of fake Spanish moss for us to decorate with. I have a couple of photos of the finale where ths kids sung and danced and hopefully I'll have more of my crafts later for y'all to see.
I'm also working on a new kit, don't know if it'll be a freebie or for sale yet- we'll see how it turns out I guess. Plus I'm trying to organize a charity kit or grab bag for Emma's little buddy who has to have a series surgeries. She's the happiest and bravest little princess I've ever met. But more on those later.
Oh and in case you were wondering I'm taking web design right now for school. It's kind-of fun but super hectic since they try to cram it into a 5 week session.
Here's the photos from VBS:

As you can see it was a great success this year! The music was fantastic and the kids had a blast!
Happy Scrapping everyone!
Comments on "VBS is over!"
Sure you won't consider a career in Stage Design and decorating for movies? I'm way impressed with what you've done - it looks positively magical. Just beautiful.
Is Blossom the possum a stuffed toy of some sort?
Your cat tails look fab - will you use them to decorate at home now?
I am SO glad you blogged, it is nice to catch up with you.
Hugses from meeee!
Amy, it sounds like you had fun even if it was hectic!