The slacker is back... not really.
Okay, today so didn't go the way I thought it would. Spent about 2-3 hours on the computer and a lot of it was helping hubby get it all set up with the new software for school (Starts Monday- eeekkk!). We put in a newer and bigger hard drive, installed the software which included upgrading to office 2007. I did manage to update the blog with a new spring banner using the Little Red Ladybug kit. Then my "classroom" opened up so I spent time looking over the class syllabus and assignments. Whew, I've been on the computer but not much scrapping was done. I also did a littel work on my 2 LOs for the ADSR this week. Need to get those done or my team mate will kill me. (Hi Cinna, I love you!) I did get all the requirements for challenge #7 from my good buddy and lifesaver Kim B.!! She's such a doll! So hopefully I can manage those both in along with this holiday weekend activities. I will go freebie hunting for you all sonn just not sure when. I also want to share vaca photos but they're big right now and take forever to upload so you'll have to wait for me to resize then but I will show you my top 3 picks. (I took like 120 photos on the trip- fun times for scrapping ahead!) First is Emma and her cousin walking down the hallway at the hotel. (They're best friends they tell me now.) I know it's hard to see but I love that they had to hold hands everywhere we went! Next is Emma staring at the "jellies" (jellyfish) at the aquarium. Finally is hubby and Em at the rest stop on the way home. P.S. If you get a chance go look at Cinna's LO for challenge #7 on the Glitter Goddesses blog, fabulous stuff! |
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