Wonderful Wednesday
Ok, so the Er Sunday night Monday morning was all for me, hubby and Emma stayed home in bed. I was having some problems and pain so I went in. They gave me some lovely drugs to take care of it all and I'm feeling better now that they've had a few days to work. The ER Doc said I have a humdinger of a UTI with the possibility of kidney stones. I have an appt with my doctor on Monday, so once all the symptoms of the UTI are out of the way they'll reevaluate me. (Of course if they symptoms come back before then they'll be happy to see me in the ER again, blah.) Are you all satisfied that I've divulged my internal workings problems? Thanks for the concern but I'm all red and embarassed just typing about them so... let us never speak of them again. Did you all like Emma's Drawing? I think the young lady has an eye for color. She's a wiz in PS at clicking on the brush tool to "paint" then selecting her "sparklies" off the style menu and opening a new layer for each color/style. It's fun to watch. She's even learned to click back on the history if she doesn't like what she's done, which isn't often. She does love all of Manu's styles, but then so do I. I'm still not feeling 100% so I didn't go freebie hunting. However, my good friend Barb showed me how to turn my doodles into brushes and save them in sets to share and sell. And so for my practice I turned some OLD doodles from my Toddler Time kit into a brush set for PS. Who remembers that kit? Well it was one of my first as a blog freebie the 3rd kit I ever made. Okay so here's a smaller version of it, I didn't update anything just put the parts I'm not embarrassed by into a file with the brush file. So there's no preview but you can get an idea from the LO I made with it back in 2006 (Not everything in the Lo are in the file.). ![]() Oh but I do know that Barb has some cool 45 vinyl record elements on her blog. Kimmie has a cool paper flower thingie for you too. And if you haven't stopped by Valinda's blog in awhile you'll want to scroll down. She has a cool new Retro kit that she's slowly posting, but below that is a great beach QP!! Don't forget to leave some love! Don't forget that my grab bag is in the shop until Sunday at midnight for the bargain price of $2! It's got 4 brand new goodies for a $13.50 value if bought separately. ![]() Happy Scrapping y'all! |
Comments on "Wonderful Wednesday"
Hi there Amy, it's Fe from Jessica's CT, I'm just dropping by to say hi and to thank you for the freebie lists that you put together for all of us. I know that it must take a lot of time. I wasn't sure if people could leave a link for you to freebies that are available, but I thought I'd give it a try. I'm on a ct for another designer, and we've (the ct members) put together a huge free kit that we're doing a daily download for. if you'd like to take a look at it and see if it's something you'd like to link to on your blog, here's a link to it. http://tinyurl.com/4px22f
Awwww my Ame (thats my slang for your sweet name)... I could never get tired of hearing of your internal workings. Heavens, we've covered almost every other subject in the world and its not like we're not all friends here. haha. Anyways, I hope you are more comfortable today. I've been thinking about you - and keep an eyelid skinned back to see if you're on chat mode... sigh. Pretty durn quiet out here w/o you. Neener!
I mean that neener in the nicest of ways. Really.
Thats not a mean squeeze either, its kind of a soft 'Sharmin' squeeze.
Thats not one of those big sloppy wet kisses, its more like a freshly lipsticked and perfectly laid on one that feels like butterfly wings.
Right, this is sorta sick. Movin' on now. (My sister, at this point would call me a FREAK and I am afraid you would have to agree!)
Amy pleased to hear you are on the mend, never like to see the phrase ER in people's posts, makes a Mum like me nervous. Take it easy, maybe the universe is tapping you on the shoulder about all you are trying to do at the moment.
Best wishes,
ROTF at Barbs comments-
Gosh Amers you had me worried too! Glad to hear you feeling a little better and girl we ALL HAVE THOSE- nothing to feel embarrassed about! Let us know how the check up goes on Monday!
Sending lots of the *in-between stuff that Barb left out*- WAHAHAHA
Hugs girlfriend
I'm glad you're okay. I hope you don't have a kidney stone. I know from experience that those are NOT fun!
If UTIs are a chronic problem for you, you should see a urologist about interstitial cystitis. I had never heard of it before I was diagnosed, but it is a chronic inflammation of the bladder and causes a LOT of pain. I hope you don't have that either!
Hugs Amy all I wanted to know was that you were all OK *lol* You crack me UP!!!!!
Good Morning Amy:)
Glad to hear you are feeling a little better.I have never had kidney stones but have friends who have.NOT FUN!
I have a fibroid tumor(benign) on my uterus the size of an orange and it is pressing on my bladder which makes me feel like I have to pee all the time! There ..now we are both embarrassed.hehe.
Get better!!!!
Thanks for mentioning my stuff.:)
wishing you a speedy and full recovery, Amy! prayers are sent :D