Can I ever get a break?
Wondered where I've been this week? Well I have tonsillitis. It's been difficult to swallow even water at times let alone food and a killer headache to boot has laid me low. I haven't done any of my school work and it's due tomorrow. I can't seem to catch a break lately. (sigh) Oh well. Emma had swim lessons this week and did very well. If you remember she knows how to float on her back, but doesn't like it. She also hated to get her face wet. Well now she's still unhappy about the back float but more willing to do it and willingly puts her face in and blows bubbles, but won't open her eyes under water. Such a little stinker. We have more next week, so we'll have to see how she improves. I'd be happier if she had the same instructor from day to day, or even two days in a row would be nice. If I didn't know half the lifeguards and yell at the what to work on with her I'd be a very unhappy mommy (parents aren't allowed inside the pool area during lessons of the "little" ones, but that part I understand). Anywho, tomorrow is the last day to grab my designer grab box for just $4 before it goes into the shop in it's separate parts. That's a $20 value for just $4! Swing by and grab it while you have a chance! ![]() ![]() Happy scrapping to you all! |
Comments on "Can I ever get a break?"
Poor Amers, sorry to hear that you have not been well. Hope the monkey lets you work on your college stuff today and tomorrow.
Today is our third 100+ day. It seems like we are either below average or 15-20 degrees over average. Why can't we just get a nice mid 80s day with a cool evening for a change?
Lots of Love. Daddoo
Amy..I am soo sorry you aren't feeling well.:( Get better real soon!!!
i HAVE been wondering where you got to this week! I am SO SORRY to hear you have tonsillitis! I had my own tonsils removed at the ripe old age of 21 - so I know how painful they can be. These things seem to come in groups. Miles is suffering right now too - he has been having pain in a leg muscle, well this Friday he could not even WALK, so into the docs. Diagnosis is some sort of severe strain of a muscle. He's CRAWLING around the house. I've had to don the nurses cap. THEN he broke one of his molars to top it all off. Sigh... I'll pray for you, will you pray for my sweet, please?
I hope Emma progresses with her swimming lessons. Let me know if you need help putting a freebie list together anytime.
AWWW Amers- tonsillitis is HORRID!- they've threatened to take mine out next time around too- NO WAYS HOSE! Here's hoping today finds you a lot better!
Sending you hugs and loves
shame amy.. personally i think tonsilitis is worse than giving birth.. hoping you feel better soon!
much love,
hope that you are feeling better .... i have a alpha freebie on my blog for you