Take me out to the ball game!
So it's summer and that means baseball! (Also softball and t-ball.) I've never been a big fan of baseball. Don't get me wrong, I loved the fun of going to an A's or Giants game with my Daddoo, or even the local AA/AAA (Depending on the year) with friends or family. But I didn't follow any teams or really care who won the World Series. (Except for the Battle of the Bay in 1989 when it was A's vs Giants. I mean you couldn't live in the San Fran area and not get involved in that one.) Here in my little NC town we have a local summer collegiate team, everyone is trying to get us to go see a game but seriously I'm not interested and Emma won't sit still through one. Then they mention the playground. Why would I spend money to take my daughter to a playground at a ball park? I just don't get that. Mind you I'm all for a softball game at a BBQ, just remember I throw like a girl. But with all this ball playing in mind, and the fact that my friend who's daughter plays softball and little one is in t-ball asked for it, I made you a lovely Jumpstart template for today's freebie. I hope you all enjoy it! ![]() And for those of you looking for the perfect kit to use Christina has a gorgeous mini kit called 7th Inning Stretch for just $2 in the Sophia Sarducci Shoppe: ![]() I hope to be back during quiet time with a bigger freebie list but here's a few to start you off! Kim B. has a Softly Sweet brag book QP & coordinating brag QP on Beth's blog too! Manu has a CU Hearts overlay on her blog. Denise has her Mango Tango MK part up. (Full list of all 24 Mango Tango MK minis HERE.) Bethany has some new word art up. Maria has some cluster frames. Meghan has a fabulous template that's Over the Rainbow! WenchdGrafix has a Muted paper pack on her blog. Remember to leave some love for these wonderful designers! And speaking of love, I want to give a big shout out to my favorite Romance author Shelley Monro! She's such a doll, she's sending me a pressie! Oh the suspense of waiting for it will kill me! She's coming to the US in Aug and I'm sad I don't live in Cali/San Fran anymore so I could meet her in person :( Oh and FYI Emma is out of school Aug 2-11, but I'm not. So I have afeeling I will be spending what little time I get on the computer on school work. I may go insane, we'll see. Happy Scrapping everyone! |
Comments on "Take me out to the ball game!"
Morning Amy!!!!
Thanks so much for finding my freebie! Was a wonderful surprise!!! Try to stay cool today...its a stinkin hot one! :D
Whaaaail thar lil amygal. I caint rightly see whats so all-fired 'citing about baseball meself, but hay, lotsa other people are. I KEEP MISSING YOU. and I miss you. But its good to see you're keeping busy, and I'll keep looking for ya.
Good Evening Amy:)
I am not into baseball either..but I use to be when my youngest son was home.He was a huge Braves fan.:)I have some pics of us at the Braves game..so this will come in handy.Thank you:)
P.S.if you go insane..you won't know it.LOL
I love baseball but haven't been to a game in ages. Hence no pics to use this kit with. Thanks for posting the freebie list.
hee hee- well we don't have baseball here girlfriend, I only know what I have seen on TV- and well it isn't much- LOL
But we have RUGBY here, so I can understand the obsession. I'm a fanatical watcher of the South African games too ;-)
LOVED the ZOO pic's! Had a little catch up to do here this week- been crazy my side too-
Hope you have a stunning weekend Amers
Thank you for this template! This has been our year for baseball! My youngest son decided he wanted to play on a team (he just turned 13 TODAY!)...he went to Boy Scout camp so ended up only being in town to play in 6 games. lol We've been to the Royals game twice and the T-Bones twice. Wow! Thank you very much!
Thanks you so much- never been a big BB fan either, but out of my 6 kids, 4 of them play BB or Softball (the other two arn't old enough yet)- so always looking for BB stuff! Thanks again!!
I keepsalook,
you NEVER there,
I turns on chat,
Can my Amy Bee,
My sweet bloggie friend,
All I ever see,
Is her tail-end!
Whaaa *major pout here*
When you bees on!!!???
LOL - I hope you're not disappointed. The package is on its way. :)
I'm not a baseball fan because it seems so slow. We play softball down here, and NZ are world champs in this. I'm more of a rugby fan, although that might have something to do with the strapping men running up and down the field. ;) Very inspirational when it comes to writing heroes.